Get More Traffic ( Pt. 1 )

This will be the first in a series of posts to help you figure out some ways to generate more traffic for your website. Customers love to see content flowing regularly; it shows that your organization is still active. And it’s great for SEO too!

One way to drive online traffic over to your website is through online video services like YouTube and Vimeo. Customers love small businesses with a YouTube channel that is being constantly updated with reviews, giveaways, and vlogs on the products offered. I know of a small tabletop gaming/card store in Canada with a YouTube channel that I updated multiple times during the week to talk about what’s new with the games their store sells, as well as creating original content and showcasing custom paint jobs. Every video ends with a link to their website, and the connection that viewers get to the store owners ensures that many want to buy from them to support  the store they love.

Your videos will only generate traffic you if you are willing to put the work into running a successful YouTube channel. Be sure not to take your channel too seriously, and have lots of fun with it, but be sure not to do anything that could be seen as “cheesy.” It can be downright embarrassing for a company to release poorly executed content. Just look at those Apple “genius” advertisements. Blehk. Regular updates with original or informative content are what will win you more views. And remember, more views = more site traffic!