How To Improve Your Website's Design

Regardless of what you do or create in life, there is always room for improvement. Your website is no different. New technology, consumer preferences, and the growth of your business all make it necessary to review your site and refine it to the best it can be. Here are some of the most common ways you can improve your website to make it a better place for your visitors.

1. Move Your Call To Action (CTA) Button

Your most important CTA should be a clear action for visitors to see and follow. The best way to make sure this happens is to place it in your header. Setting this element in the header helps ensure it appears on every single page of your website. Making it stand out so that it is noticeable to every visitor.

2. Plug Leaks

Not every page on your website will perform the way you intended. Use statistics on usage to help you find which pages are performing poorly and replace them. This may need to be done several times to find the perfect way to present the information, but it will be worth the time in higher visitor interaction.

3. Play Nice With Browsers

You designed your site in whatever browser you usually use, but other users may not have that browser. Before you go live, do a test run of your website in the most common browsers to make sure it looks and works well in each one.

4. Go Mobile

A web design that does not take into account the increasing number of people who solely use mobile is going to struggle. Make sure your web design is as pleasing on a phone as it is on a desktop screen. Today, any new website is best created with responsive web design to make this happen.

5. Make It Clear

Your homepage is the main point of your entire website. Make sure it informs visitors quickly and precisely who you are and what you have to offer them. If visitors do not understand how you offer them something valuable from the start, you may never again get a chance to tell them.

6. Analyze Often

If you don't know what is wrong, you have no idea what to fix. Install a trusted analytics program, such as Google Analytics, and learn how to read the results (or hire someone who already can). Getting the more in-depth results will help you understand your visitors. This understanding will help you give them exactly what they want.

7. Make Contact Easy

In your footer, include as many contact avenues as possible. Don't count on only an email address. If possible, add a phone number and physical address. Give visitors a choice between using their email program or filling out a quick email form to contact you. Add social media links. Add a live chat that visitors can access around the clock. Make sure contact information is available on every page in one way or another. This gives visitors the idea that their feedback or questions are valuable to you.

8. Focus On The Visitor

It's always nice to know if the people you do business with have an award or have achieved some other goal. Yet, the main thing a visitor to your website wants to know is what you can do for them. Ask yourself how each element of your web design can make things easier for your visitor. Ask if they leave with the idea you were bragging or with the idea that you can make their life better in some way.

9. Make It Readable

Content isn't the only thing that makes a website readable. First, avoid too much clutter. If a photo or text doesn't add value, get rid of it. Next, the population as a whole is aging. Font size should be either 14 or 16 points to be easy to read without creating extra eye strain. Choose colors that provide contrast between your background and words. Play with the colors in your brand until you find a combination that allows what you write to pop. Finally, keep the number of different fonts low. A general rule of thumb is to use no more than three different fonts throughout your entire site.

Final Words

Although website design may seem less critical compared to the content; a site that makes it hard for readers won't last long . Spend time reviewing and improving to make the best impression possible.

For more information, view our more focused blog on the details of web design.