Creative Goal Development

For the project with Creative Goal Development, we were given the task of branding a brand new company looking to portray professionalism without being lost in the crowd of their competitors. The project started with logo concepts and designs as first steps to understand what message they would like to portray as a company. As we learned more about the client and their story, we created the logo you see today. This logo portrays a colorful playfulness that is reflected in Creative Goal Development’s desire to be professional but not take themselves too seriously.
After deciding on a logo, designing their website was an easy task to follow up. With knowing what the client liked and disliked, mockups for the site extended their branding from the logo into other branding elements for fonts, effective color use, and various layout options. As can be seen, together these elements create a cohesive design.
This website no longer in service.
Josefin Sans
Source Sans Pro