How Company Branding Enables Your Business to Grow

Have you set measurable branding goals for your company? To produce growth your efforts need to yield measurable results. A company can use branding to achieve growth. For example, what do you think of when someone says “Golden Arches” or “Green Giant?”

 mcdonald's golden archesgreen giant logo

Many techniques have been used by these companies to ensure their brand empowered their growth.


There are many ways you can use company branding to help your business surge forward. Larger and more competitive companies know that the success of their business is linked to branding.

Yet, what many companies do not realize is the psychological power used within the branding process. For instance, you should consider how your brand would be received if you were to expand your company from Santa Clarita, California to Atlanta, GA. Doing so may lead you into redesigning the logo used for your business. Does the logo/branding use slang or imagery only known to those native to the Southern California area? Our logo is a good example of this. We utilized three iconic Santa Clarita elements for our logo. Although this would make it hard for us to take our business to another city, we did this very deliberately.

This can also apply to the use of colors in a logo. For example, did you know that in some cultures, a dark shade of blue on your logo can mean something positive? Yet, that same shade of blue can stunt growth in other regions. By changing the hue of the insignia used, you can upsurge your branding[1] efforts.

Paying keen attention to your audience is imperative. After all, more than 75% of a 1st impression is based upon appearance. Making smaller changes within the branding process can help your company to grow faster as well.


Branding is the sales-force that allows your business to be understood clearly. Your company’s brand is an employee. In other words, it enables your business to experience an increase in growth with well-organized effort. You would not hire a new employee and give them all the wrong info about your company. In the same way, you would not develop a brand and misrepresent your business through that branding.

A “brand” spokesperson[2] that can be easily recognized and trusted. It is a resource that can be used to reach potential customers overnight. Branding is used in nearly every aspect of a successful company.

Also, it drives marketing campaigns that generate higher sales figures. When applied correctly and creatively, you can use branding techniques to save a company from a spiraling collapse in sales. Company branding is a combination of creativity, methodology, psychology, and defined purpose. This is how it enables your business to grow.
